What Does it Mean to be Methodist?
The United Methodist Church is a connectional and global community. We believe in God's grace, repentance, and forgiveness, unconditional love and the promise of everlasting life as expressed through God the Creator, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit, whose story is revealed in The Old and New Testaments. Throughout the world, the United Methodist Church is involved in education, health care, disaster relief, and social justice issues. There are many links to resources where you can find out more about the ministries of the United Methodist Church.
Indiana United Methodist Church Our church's conference jurisdiction among five within the U.S. portion of the global church https://www.inumc.org/
North Central District We are in one of ten districts within the Indiana Conference https://www.inumc.org/districts/north-central-district/
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination. Find information on the denomination at www.umc.org/
UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, responds to disasters around the world https://advance.umcor.org/
Our Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion
Living Our Faith in the World The Social Principles of the UMC
Our Theological Guidelines http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/theological-guidelines
Our Wesleyan Heritage http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/our-wesleyan-heritage
UM News Services The latest news from our global denomination https://www.umnews.org/