About Us
Bethlehem UMC is that cute little white frame church on Olio Road just south of the roundabout at 136th and Southeastern Parkway.
While Saxony, Avalon, Hamilton Southeastern School system, and Hamilton Town Center grew up around us, we've been right on this spot, in this very building, for over 100 years of our 175 year history.
Pastor Jean Brindel and the Bethlehem family welcome you to join us each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for Worship.
Long term members are now often empty-nesters, so we understand our appeal to the 55+ crowd, but we do offer a Sunday Morning Little Lesson for Children and an active children's program of fellowship, faith and fun.
Our updated sanctuary makes us ready to grow, and we want you with us! Join us any time you can.

You are so welcome at Bethlehem... Church as You Remember...